LONG BEACH (coup2k.com) February 23, 2001 -- Ok, It's all Gore's fault he lost, he's stupid, he ran a poor campaign; even in view of the never-ending media barrage of negative, disparaging hate and lies, spewed over the air waves and in the print media, every single day of the campaign, while the press soft-peddled and gave a free ride - the likes of which I've never seen - to a loser; even in view of the few million dollars poured into ads by the NRA in Pennsylvania alone. Yet Al Gore won the popular vote by over 539,000 votes…
...Not the closest election in history, not even the second closest. An amazing feat, in my opinion.
All bush had to do was say yes to the state wide recount. No Courts, no lawsuits needed. Count the freaking votes. Why didn't he do the honorable thing? Honor and dignity, my ass. He fought it all the way because the fix was in before the voters ever went to the polls and he knew that and he wasn't going to budge. Poppy and Jeb promised, and he had his heart set on it. (Not to mention the Daddy Warbucks' who financed his campaign and whom he owes 'big time'.) The road blocks were set, the voter rolls purged, obstacles at every turn. Gore could never win this election no matter what he did. Bush proved that he was going to win 'by any means necessary.' Screw local control, states rights, and honor and dignity. He had friends in high places. When the Federal Court turned him down he went to poppy's friends on the USSC. Of course, he wasn't going to co-operate and count all the votes. He knew he'd lose. Despite an infinitesimal number of votes (537).
Nowhere did the masses cry out as they did in Europe against Milosivic. If Gore made a mistake in Florida the whole country shares the blame. 'We the People' didn't take to the streets en masse in every state, shouting at the top of our lungs, like the republican paid 'concerned citizens' that stopped the Miami-Dade recount.
I had hoped that Ralph Nader would show up in Florida as a candidate, a citizen, an American and join his voice to count the votes. Probably wouldn't have mattered anyway. The media, the courts, every republican, were determined to steal this election. End Game - Check Mate
Had Gore won Florida without obstruction, the way the media and VNS called it the first time, which was right, and had he become President, what is now happening to Clinton over pardons would be NOTHING compared to the hunting that Gore and Lieberman would endure. They would invent another 'gate', and Gore and Lieberman would be undergoing investigations right now.
We can lay the blame on Gore, Nader, Jeb, the devil whoever - fact is we have to focus on this jackoff in the white house and work on the issues that will change the future. Voter reform, campaign finance reform and getting some laws passed or reversed regarding media owned monopolies. That's my wish list.
Now it's time for a nap - I had root canal today and I'm cranky!