BTW, how many of y'all were watching 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' Sunday night, when the lady lost on the question:
What percentage is George W. Bush's Presidential salary GREATER THAN Bill Clintons Presidential salary was?
Answers- (A) 10% (B) 25% (C) 50% (D) 100%.
The lady lost when she guessed 50% and the actual answer was 100%.
There was a silence in the crowd, and then a murmur of conversation, as if the crowd had had no idea that the disparity was that great.
It's hard to believe that the GOP agitators can so successfully deceive the public, that they will willingly disparage an exiting president over the cost of his new office, and the continued receipt (as is traditional) of his Presidential Pension, and be totally unaware of the fact that the incoming usurper is drawing twice the salary of the outgoing President that the media is harping on.
It was comical to watch the faces of the audience as they realized this, almost visibly, after being shocked by the fact that the answer was 100%. You could tell by looking at them, that most had thought that she was wrong on the high side, and that the difference was probably closer to 25%, and that they were literally shocked that the Resident was making TWICE THE SALARY, and yet his party could disparage a legitimate office holder for minor increases in comparison.
One way or the other, that airing, with that single question might do more to wake people up to what's going on, and how they've been deceived, than all our collective ranting and raving. The very fact that Regis said it on 'WWTBAM' makes it true, whereas they could disregard us saying the same thing as the rantings of liberal radicals.
Who knows, ol' Regis might have struck a strong blow for democracy there.
We can but hope that it penetrates.
In Resistance, Victor S.
The Diva Replies
Dear Victor:
This reminds me of a story close to my Diva heart. You see, I was once on a game show, so back before the coup, when I used to watch TV, I never missed Millionaire and always rooted for everyone to win the million. (On other game shows where there are multiple contestants, though, and you have to pick SOMEONE to root for, I always rooted for the freaky/fringe-y contestant, or the minority one. I guess this makes me a black racist, huh? What can I say? You root for the folks you identify with...)
So anyway, back when I lived in a free country that aspired to democracy, and I would watch Millionaire (instead of banging away on the computer all the time), I always rooted for everyone to win -- EXCEPT ONCE.
I pegged the guy who made it into the hot-seat as a right-winger. I told my Consort, Chuck, that I KNEW it. I don't remember precisely what it was that tipped me off to that fact -- something he said -- but anyway... This guy starts working his way through the questions, and comes to this one:
"Al Gore was the basis for the main male character in which of these best-selling novels?"
Answers- (A) A Separate Peace (B) Primary Colors (C) The Secret History (D) Love Story
(I immediately knew the answer, of course, thanks to not being a regular Rush Limbaugh listener... and thanks to having read snopes.com's report and sources on the Love Story-based accusations about Gore being a liar -- which Snopes calls "a notorious distortion of the truth.")
Well, the guy lost when he guessed Primary Colors and the actual answer was Love Story. I was so happy. KA-POW! "Good riddance to bad reactionaries," I thought, "Let's get somebody in that hot seat that I can identify with..."
So imagine how hard I laughed when I found out that this guy, who was so dumb he fell for the quintessential rightwing blunder (listening to the rightwing media - and BELIEVING THEM - without checking the facts), is SUING "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"! Yep. I kid you not. Mister "I'm-So-Right-Wing-I-Believe-Every-Bad-Thing-That-I-Hear-about-Democrats-Without-Checking-My-Facts," a member of the same right wing that constantly whines about our "litigious" national culture, and that works for "tort" reform, is SUING A GAME SHOW!
NEXT: ALERT! ABC's Nightline Says We're Black ALSO TODAY
Carah Conspiracy Theories (Only Half Facetious...) Beth's Blue Rant on Closing the Women's Office ACTION ALERT! Help Fred Phelps Hurt Himself-Topeka ACTION ALERT! Lobby Cal Dem Convention - Disabled BIG BAG OF LINKS: Wed-Thursday, March 28-29