Subj: URL for MP3 of Steven singing anthem Date: 05/30/2001 12:21:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Joanne M.
Hi Tammy,
Here's a URL for a fan site that has an MP3 of Steven singing the national anthem at the Indy 500. http://www.geocities.com/duffer76
Enjoy! Joanne
(Someone else on the list is sending people copies of their MP3...once I get it, I'll forward it to you)
From: "The Diva (Tammy)" Subj: Re: URL for MP3 of Steven singing anthem Date: 05/30/2001 2:19:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time To: "Joanne M"
Dear Joanne:
You are my hero! Just what I needed!
I have to tell you, I think someone out there is sending some powerful mojo my way. The glad Aerosmith and anti-coup tidings are rolling in in record numbers!
EXHIBIT A: Steven singing The National Anthem at Indy.
EXHIBIT B: VH-1's "Aerosmith Week" begins June 4, complete with the 2001 Tour broadcast as "Opening Night Live" on D-Day (also known as the birthday of Online Journalist James Higdon).
EXHIBIT C: Aerosmith is slated to play the Wango-Tango Festival at Dodger Stadium RIGHT HERE IN L.A. on June 16th! And fellow Resistance Fighter Jordan might be able to swing it where I can go! YEE-HAAWW!!!!
EXHIBIT D: "Fly Away from Here" is rumored to be the next Just Push Play video, and to be scheduled for release sometime in June. Did I mention that I absolutely LOVE the harmonies in that song? Put in the CD, go to track 4, and listen carefully (at maximum non-police citation volume) starting around time reading 3:48... If it gets any better than that, I'd like to see proof of purchase! And now it's gonna be a video! Another masterpiece for the growing Aero-collection. I just hope it shows a lot of the band!
EXHIBIT E: I am now the proud owner of the live videotape of Aerosmith's New Years Eve 2000 (December 31, 1999) Show in Osaka, Japan. Talk about partying like it's 1999! Yes, Joe's hair was shorter than I'd have liked, but I am not complaining.
EXHIBIT A: Alan Dershowitz' new book, "Supreme Injustice: How the High Court Hijacked Election 2000," is slated for release in June. The press has completely ignored Bugliosi's excellent indictment, "The Betrayal of America: How the Supreme Court Undermined the Constitution and Chose Our President," but will they be able to ignore two books, back to back, written by two of America's greatest legal minds? They ignored one of our greatest national District Attorneys. Will they be able to ignore our greatest defense attorney? And if they do... well, we'll call that the "smoking gun" that proves once and for all that the media are nothing but corporate shills and lying whores.
EXHIBIT B: In a seismic shift unforeseen by pundits and coup-conspirators alike, Jeffords has not only given the Democrats a Senate majority, but has given them, through news reports of the demands of the now-minority Republicans, proof that the GOP does not now, and never did, believe that rules apply to them. I guess this explains the S.C.O.T.U.S. crime... "Silly rabbit! Rules are for Democrats!"
EXHIBIT C: Breaking News: The coup-conspirators looking to oust the principled Florida Supreme Court Justices (who ruled that state law must be upheld, and that citizens of the State of Florida must have their say in Election 2000) have been caught with their hands deep in the campaign finance cookie jar. Though limited to $500 contributions for their despicable "cause," they accepted a whopping $150,000 in-kind marketing contribution! Hypocrisy redux: "Silly rabbit! Rules are for Democrats!"
EXHIBIT D: After eight years of listening to the rightwingnuts scream about family values and slander the family life of our last elected President (including intimations that his marriage was a sham, and that he was a lousy father), we get to see how far Republican fruit falls from the Shrub. It just so happens, it doesn't fall very far -- that is, if it can stand up at all, while under the influence. "Silly rabbits! Family values are for democrats!"
EXHIBIT E: The Extreme Court now has to deal with the reality of a Democratic Senate and its resulting subpoena and investigatory powers... and, SURPRISE! All of the sudden they have started to decline hearing cases that would allow them to compound their Bush v. Gore crime by committing more Federalist Society frauds. First, the 6-3 decision (guess who the three locos were) to let stand a lower court ruling against displaying the decalogue in public areas and at public expense (Thank you, Hero Stevens!), and today, the decision to let stand a lower court decision upholding the right of State Universities to act affirmatively in addressing historic barriers to education where minority students were and are concerned.
Now I ask you, are these good days to be The Diva, or what?
Tammy, "The Diva"