The grass had a new, more vibrant color, I could see that the canes in the rose bushes had that unmistakable look of impending blossom, there were fat buds waiting patiently to bust forth in their riot of color - and my heart sang. In my mind I was planning the garden and thinking of the day when I would slice that first tomato, still warm from the sun, and top it with some fresh basil, a drizzle of good olive oil...heaven! And, as I seem to relearn every year, all of this activity, this rebirth, has been happening even as Winter was throwing it's worst at us. Even under the snow, and during the gloomiest of days, life was responding to the imperceptible increases in sunlight, just waiting for the warmth to complete their transformation. Even the news that predicted another brief period of snow tomorrow couldn't dampen my good mood. Let this Winter have it's last cheap shot, it's history! Change was in the air! (I do believe that I suffer from SAD - Seasonal something-or-other Disorder!)
So it was in this good mood that I read the Sunday NY Times, and for the first time in a long time (say November 8, 2000) I smiled as I read! I saw glimmers of hope under all the bad news, like the heads of crocuses starting to push out the cold ground. (I saw that Hillary had fired off a good shot at the Shrub - my Senator! - at least part of my vote wasn't wasted!) I thought about Spring, and the lesson that it teaches - everything contains the seeds of it's opposite, and with the hope of someone suffering from the first phases of "Spring Fever", I began to sense that the actions of this fraudulent administration, as depressing as they are, may actually lead to it's own undoing.
Sure, these are still dark times, and there are plenty of reasons for despair as every day brings news of another attempt by the Pretender to reverse the gains that our country has achieved, not just in the past eight years, but in the past 60 years. But yet, as surely as Spring follows Winter, there are reasons for optimism. The press is now starting to compare the Pretender's policies with those that came before, and they are suffering in the comparison. Doing a 180 on the most popular president in modern times is not a way to raise your approval rating. (Continued on Next Page)