Since November 7th, something has been wrong in my life. I never could exactly put my finger on it. Yes, I was mad at what was being perpetrated on our country, I felt my internet effort was enough, but I guess it wasn't.
Then, until the election was decided by the Supreme Court, I felt sure we would prevail and that Gore would be inaugurated as the 43rd President. But, that didn't happen. So, I set my sights on 1-20-01, made plans to go, got a wonderful friend to let me stay with her to save money and I thought well maybe this would make me feel better. Well it didn't.
Before I left, my hair started to fall out. Nothing big at first, I thought "well this is just from stress". For 5 days or so, maybe 4, after the election, I stayed in bed. I could barely answer email, much less eat. (I did bathe though for those of you wondering :O}). Then over the ensuing time on week-ends, it was harder to get out of bed, even if I had to work or go someplace. It just got hard. It still is. Then the hair thing started and now it has gotten much, much worse. I have a big old bald spot on the top of my head, luckily able to cover up with "borrowed hair". I will never make fun of Donald Trump again :O}
Seriously, on my way to work this morning, I just started crying. I couldn't stop. I was going down the expressway, and the tears just started. I started to scream and scream and yell at the republicans. The things I said, I am glad no one could hear me.....I AM MAD! Not just mad, I am hopping, PMS-ing, menopausal, Irish Catholic pissed off! It's not only the election, it's the whole entire Clinton bashing thing. Who cares who he pardoned? After Weinberger and that cabal being pardoned, I don't care. If a republican can get away with it, then a democrat should be able to. This double standard absolutely positively makes me ill! Why won't the media listen to us? How many emails do we have to send, how much snail mail, how many phone calls?
On 1-21-01, I could not imagine waking up and Clinton not being President and Gore not being MY PRESIDENT! I couldn't stand the thought of Bush being president - I cannot tell you the feeling I get in my stomach when he walks out of the White House, or goes to get on the helicopter - that goofy grin and that doofus "I won and you didn't nah, nah, nah" look and walk he has, that strut like he is a rooster or something… it drives me absolutely crazy! And more hair falls out.
So I continued to cry until I got to my office, I pulled myself together, but with one thought. I will accept the fact that they lied, they cheated and they stole. That's all they know how to do and I will accept the fact that they are so scared of the Clinton's that they have to continually portray them as dishonest, horrible people. I will accept the fact that hatred motivates them. But I will not accept him as President - no way - no how. I need to keep this anger going inside me, but try to channel it different. I cannot afford to lose any more hair. Hopefully when I see the doctor on Friday, he will tell me it's only stress and that I can deal with. I just hope I find a way to channel this anger and see some silver lining out of all this. Unfortunately, I see no silver lining right now, only darkness. And all this while Rome burns.........and Nero Bush fiddles, programs for the poor are being cut, benefits for sick are being cut and what if there is another crisis like Ebola? Without the NSC handling international health emergencies anymore, we know where that new disease will head! All to give to the rich!
If I have offended anyone - hey, I'm sorry. But I finally have come to terms with the fact that Clinton is no longer President and Gore will not be President, that I have no representation in my government at all and that "you get the government you deserve". I hope I can change it. And I thank you all for listening to my rant :O}
Luv, Di
Wow! You have articulated what a lot of us are feeling. I haven't had a good night's sleep since this travesty occurred. As for my hair, well, let's just say I've been on Rogaine for a while…
Reading your note today is especially poignant for me, as this is the anniversary of when I came to this country from Cuba, in 1963 (yep, I'm that old). I remember being a scared 7 year-old coming to this country, and not understanding what was going on, and being very upset -- later that year Kennedy would be shot. Now 38 years later, I can tell you what occurred thanks to the Extreme Court, upset me just as much.
I could sit and wallow in my misery, but you know, I'm not going to give those fascists that much of my life. As long as I do something every day -- whether it's torment some freeper on a chat board, or send a nasty e-mail to my Senator (ole' "Helmet Hair" - I'm in CA, guess who?), or just DO SOMETHING -- I will continue to survive… Hang in there, we have Truth on our side.
-Angel (J)