Even though I've been on Bush's case right from the beginning, I realized that there had to be one moment when all my intellectual comprehension, gut feelings, and emotional angst had to be crystallized by one, defining Act of Bush.
It's taken awhile, but it finally dawned on me that the one episode so far in this sorry mess epitomizes, to me, the essence of Bush's character.
It unfolded in two parts, the facts of which we all know well -- Among his opening acts of "bipartisanship" and "reaching out" Bush invites Ted Kennedy and other family members over to the White House to watch the movie "13 Days" about the Cuban missile crisis. Bush serves HOT DOGS for dinner. The charm is ON.
Weeks later, Bush operatives roll out a commercial pushing the tax cut using not only the words, but footage, of the late President Kennedy, speaking about the need for tax cuts. The comments are taken totally out of context for use to Bush's advantage.
Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg and Ted Kennedy implore the perpetrators to pull the ad. They are deeply upset to see President Kennedy's words used in a misleading way.
The ad makers dismiss the concerns of the Kennedy family. Bush lets his hatchet men do the job. Mr. Morality and Integrity fails to make any public statement regarding the incident. There is no indication that he has spoken with the family personally.
Moral of the story: He'll invite Kennedys, a family who has suffered unspeakable grief on the public stage, share some of the defining moments of the assassinated John Kennedy's presidency with the family, then turn around and distort the dead president's policies, without regard to the feelings of the people he just broke bread with (even if he served only hot dogs.)
Truly, the sign of a moral leader with a conscience and no regard for the feelings of others? A role model for our children? Yes, if you want them to become callow, cruel, dishonest, and self-serving snakes....
Moment defined.
[DIVA NOTE: For me, I knew we were utterly FUBAR when news anchors began saying (paraphrased),
"Bush has to win. The Republicans will never accept Al Gore, no matter what the counts show. Al Gore should step down for the peace of the country. If he doesn't, there is going to be violence in the streets. Al Gore should concede. It's the RIGHT THING TO DO."
Well, let me tell you... I've heard that the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" before, but I never thought ANYONE would take that cliché this far. To even IMPLY that the way to assure a political victory is to THREATEN VIOLENCE IF YOU DON'T GET HANDED IT, is sicker than sick.
If anyone out there thinks there is "sickness" in America's culture -- sickness in our national morality, I DEFY YOU to find anything sicker than that.
A coup that didn't come about by violence -- BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAVE TO.
Threats of violence were enough to win over the news media. The Fourth Estate. The keepers of truth. The arbiters of public debate and opinion. America's "FREE" Press.
BREAKING NEWS YOU WON'T SEE ON THE NEWS From the Resistance Wire: This Just In Bush Michigan Protest Nets 500 Protesters!
Diva, I was able to use the picture from your site. The people loved the banners and that picture. We had over 500 people protesting Shrub stub. We had people of all ages, a lot of young people it was great! I really think the 'X'-Generation is really starting to get involved.
Cheryl is going to post some pictures.