Meet Some of
The Diva's Many
Personalities/E-Mail Aliases
March 24, 2001
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001
6:01 PM
Subject: Re: Official Position
of the Democratic Party?
Are these the same morons who
said the Dems lost because they were too liberal -- when Gore won the election?
Thanks for sending this. I'm a
lifelong liberal Democrat, but my party needs to be Roto-Rootered, for real:
turn the rascals out and replace them with leaders who care about the people.
BTW, I put your
"Thphphphphph!" on top of the CLG Website, and the White House still
hasn't autoresponded to the latest raspberry I sent them, now well over an hour
ago -- something must be amiss with their servers, ya think? <g>
Kris Spartacus
From: Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001
6:19 PM
Subject: Re: Thphphphphphphphph!
Keep up the great work, I love
it - fantastic website. I have never
been angrier in my life and you help save my sanity. I can't believe this guy called you an asshole, I personally
reserve that moniker for the illegitimate White House occupants.
And that reminds me of an
anecdote from a guy pal of mine, a Vietnam Vet tough guy and a Democrat. He told me he was ranting to his dad about
the Bush regime. His dad said,
"Well, son...I figure that there are a lot of assholes in the world...and
they've got to have some representation."
So, high five to you on keeping
up morale! I got a great kick out of
raspberrying Resident Bush, and in return I got this lovely response
"Thank you for emailing
President Bush. Your ideas and comments
are very important to him.
Unfortunately, because of the
large volume of email received, the President cannot personally respond to each
message. However, the White House Staff
reviews every email message and reports citizen ideas and concerns to President
(that's funny, I seem to notice
he's immune to public opinion or he would have done the manly thing and
conceded to the rightful President Al Gore, among other things)
Again, thank you for your
email. Your interest in the work of
President Bush and the new administration is appreciated.
(interest? I am fighting for my
freedom and rights, thanks to the current threat from my own government, I
would rather be doing a hundred other things, never had to do this when
President Clinton was around)
The White House Office of
Please Note:
If the subject of your email was
a request for a Presidential greeting,
please access the following
From: " Spartacus"
To: "The Diva (Tammy)"
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001
7:16 AM
Subject: Re: DEM PARTY
Well, you're getting noticed.
From: " Spartacus"
To: webmistress@gorewon2000.net
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001
6:04 PM
Dear Tammy,
Please don't take that idiot
Hauptman personally. Imagine how awful
it must be being him. I'm sure his
personal relationships are a shambles, given how quickly he was dismissive and
disrespectful to you. Clearly that is
how he treats everyone; people are nothing if not consistent.
I love your web site. Your creativity is an ever-flowering plant
that inspires others. Unfortunately,
through the medium of cyber-space, our
usual intuitive filters are not operating, and strange characters get through
(even in the guise of official positions).
It is too bad he has a significant post in the Democratic Party where he
interfaces with many. It is likely he
does much damage in that regard.
It is your sensitivity that enables
you to write the beautiful and inspired way that you do, but it does have its
Take care,
Nancy Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001
9:17 PM
Subject: two things
1. The guy who called you an
asshole is jealous. You're funny; he's not.
You can spell; he can't. Stuff
like that. Ignore it.
2. My daughter did a good deed.
She is a high school senior, and has a government teacher who gave his students
extra credit if they attended a Republican dinner, for which he bought the
tickets. (Of course, he didn't offer a Democratic dinner opportunity.) The
Republicans were all dressed up, and my daughter and her friends attended in
their blue jeans.
The state senator and
representative gave their little speeches, and then one of them said he was so
happy that the students had joined them that evening, and that hopefully they
will all vote Republican in the next election.
And at that, my daughter, who
will be valedictorian of her class this spring, let loose with a great big
She got some dirty looks, but
said the food was great.
I am so proud!
Nancy Spartacus
Dear Nancy:
First off, I am
bouncing back from "The Hauptman Situation" (as I now call it), and
have even satirized it on my site. It
seems my serious appeals to his reason failed.
Where logical
fails, try for belly laughs, I say!
Now, on to your
daughter's situation:
Right? I mean, offering extra credit to students
for attending a partisan political event at which they will be recruited as
potential voters for a particular party?
By the way, I read
your e-mail to my boyfriend, and he laughed out loud when I read,
(PS: I was a valedictorian, too, and if I had
known then what I know now, I would have used my chance at the podium to raise
a little hell. Unfortunately, I didn't know then what I know now -- I don't
think any of us did...)
Send your daughter
my love and admiration!
Dear Tammy,
Yes, it's illegal, and the
teachers here do many illegal things. We know better than to raise too much of
a stink in Indiana...we are under very
heavy Republican siege in rep.Steve Buyer's (next to Dan Burton's) district.
She has fought a few fights,
including recently filing a complaint against a teacher who was gay bashing.
I've been asked by several
people to run for school board, but these voters here, well hell Tammy, they
probably ain't gonna let a girl do that!
I know so well what kind of
world the right-wing wants to create. Here, as I've heard it described in
Texas, a lot of Democrats are so conservative they seem like Republicans. I
should move away, because it makes me nuts. The place is crawling with
christianity. And, WE HAVE THE KLAN!
Thanks for the nice words about
my daughter. She plans to use her podium time wisely, but has not revealed the
I look at your site every day -
thanks, it's a lifeline.
Dear Nancy:
I know what you
mean about living in the political equivalent of Dante's Inferno.
When Chuck and I
first moved to California, we lived in Irvine, in Orange County (read: Bob Dornan Country). I was never more unhappy in my life. It was
the most racist, classist, obnoxious, pretentious, snotty, trying place I have
ever lived.
Luckily, we have
since moved to Long Beach, which is an integrated city, and even has a strong
democratic base.
Still, there are
those moments when I am still confronted with rightwing rottenness, so just
No matter where
you go, there you are...
(But if you DO
decide to bail out of Indiana, and make a run for Southern California, COME SEE
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
2:18 AM
Subject: rphauptman@aol.com
Hey Diva,
After sending Rick Hauptman a
few e-mails, letting him know that he was the major a_ _hole; plus a few
Thphphphphph! ...
He locked me out.... good, he
Don Spartacus
Dear Don:
You are living
proof that laughter is not only the best weapon, but a wickedly effective tool...
Your e-mail made
me smile, BIG time (which I really needed).
May I ask, was
your decision to write Mr. Hauptman inspired by the BBBR site satire, the
posted e-mail exchange (http://coup2k.com/hauptman.html), or did you read about
the situation on one of the eGroups?
Whichever, I am
immeasurably grateful, not only for your willingness to champion me, but for
your wit, and for making me smile.
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
2:21 AM
Subject: My Letter to RB Haupman
Dear Diva,
I was personally insulted, when
I read RB Hauptman's cruel and uncalled for comments regarding you and your
As I told Mr. Hauptman, websites
like yours have offered me some degree of solace since the Coup, which is more
than I can say for many of the actions of the Democratic party, which have included abandonment and capitulation. I have, in fact, experienced a good deal of pain due to their appeasement of Bush
and total abandonment of President Clinton.
How dare Mr. Hauptman insult you
in that way, when you have taken it upon yourself, unrewarded, to take some
action to address the hideous situation in which we find ourselves. I suggested that he apologize to you, and
that his remarks apply more appropriately to himself. As a centrist Democrat, I
realize that this has been a hard time for the Democratic party...so I
have tried not to jump on our officials;
but for someone like Mr. Hauptman to insult people who are trying to
help, is beyond the pale. I hope his
apology will be forthcoming, and that the Democratic party will wake up and
smell the coffee...NOW!
You are supported,
Linda Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
7:17 AM
Subject: Re: The Rick Hauptman Statements
From what ***** wrote, and from
what I've witnessed of his tactics, the guy just isn't worth it. He's a LO-SER! He's a Freeper in liberal's clothing.
He really should be exposed for
what he is. He's a wussy. I think it's rather funny how he let's his
snide comments fly, and then blocks any response to them. I believe I will send Mr. Hauptmann another
letter from my work e-mail and let him know what an embarrassment he is.
Mindy Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: "The Diva (Tammy)"
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
7:24 AM
Subject: Re: Your wonderful
Dear Tammy,
There are a lot of sites out there
that gather news and give opinion critical of the Criminal in Chief. But yours is the only one that gives it such
a personal touch, one so many of us identify with. Your piece where you described how your life had virtually been
on hold since the election with you in your robe on the computer with an
unswept house, and friends with names such as... well, I don't remember the
details, but I was crying I was laughing so hard. I was reading about myself.
I posted that one on my Salon
thread, and everyone recognized him/herself.
We all loved it. (Just one
example. There are many.)
The point here is there are
millions who still feel tremendous pain over what has happened, and each day
the Corporation Whore in Chief manages to rub salt in the wound. You have a wonderful way of speaking for
many of us, and at the same time making us laugh. Please know you are much
appreciated by your readers.
Perhaps the most painful thing
in the Hauptman incident is the feeling of betrayal. The sense of community that has grown since the coup is enormous. It seems like an incredible betrayal when
one of us turns on another. If a
wingnut had called you a nasty name, I doubt it would have been so
upsetting. (They are all jerks
anyway.) But when one of our own attacks,
and all we have is each other in these sordid times, it is a total
disconnect. It rips us from the only
really healing thing in all this morass:
that there are millions of us who agree and share the same pain and
anger and hopes for the future. I would
think that the Hauptman incident would have challenged that sense of
connectedness, even for a moment, and that is what sent you into a tailspin.
I don't mean to ramble
here. Mostly I want to offer you
support and the hope that you can extrapolate from this event some kernel
of strength and wisdom that will
ultimately invigorate you.
Warm wishes,
Nancy Spartacus
Dear Nancy:
You don't know how
much your support means to me.
Yesterday was a bad, sad, awful day.
Maybe the stress is starting to get to me, but I was actually
considering deleting my site from the web, after "The Hauptman
Incident" (as I now refer to it), and calling it a day as far as resisting
the coup goes.
Then I received a
call today from my almost-sister-in-law (she was worried about me), and she
told me to use my humor to vent a little, so I did.
So, Mr. Hauptman
has now been immortalized on my site forever, in the form of one of my
satires. (Not my finest hour, stooping
to revenge, but it was either that, or go nuts stewing in my own juices...)
Just sign me,
The "Not
Above Getting Down in the Gutter (Occasionally)" Diva
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
8:42 AM
Subject: Hauptman
Diva- Went to your website, and it looks great to me. Also sent a chastisement to Mr/? Hauptman,
suggesting that when he had done half so much for the cause, then he might
consider looking up and he might be able to kiss your feet. People like that 'really' piss me off. Have a great day.
In Solidarity,
Victor Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
9:11 AM
Your Rick Hauptman
"Saga" was absolutely hilarious Tammy, reminiscent of my own go
around with the vapid rectum in the past, when he was a member of FOB. Your control was admirable, and your style
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
9:57 AM
Subject: about the a**hole
What an honor to be in the same
catagory with Adam Clymer. And what a major league know nothing, no account,
mindless, rat faced idiot that Hauptman is.
Just my humble opinion.
Pat Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: "Spartacus"
Cc: "Spartacus" spartacus@aol.com;
"The Diva (Tammy)" thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
10:20 AM
CLYMER HONOR ROLL Is Declared an Ahole By Democratic Chair
The Diva, this Goddess, this new
found friend of mine,
she is much more than just
She cherishes the farthest
satrapies of her Royal Land.
Her love of man can only be
compared to Eve, the wife of Adam.
She gave God specific, detailed
instructions for her man,
"Dear Lord, just take a rib
and make him stand
and I will make him master of
all my land.
Her cities sit on Golden Hills.
Her army is all real men in
uniforms, not frocks and frills.
They are protected and not
exposed to all those awful ills.
Her beds are soft and warm. Her
soldiers meet no bloody harm,
nor shout out false alarms while
she holds them in her loving arms.
From the Artic to the Antarctic,
the joy of the Globe around its middle,
We hear both fife and fiddle.
They make their loving shout of
Her fame and love of man is
without a glitch.
She is a real beloved bitch,
Carl Spartacus
Just an "Old Man," so
stupid that he cannot stand.
Now I dream of my Anglo/Cajun
my Madam Kat, my little toy,
that pretty brat.
Dear Spartacus:
I've received all
of your messages, and I appreciate them more than you know. You have made me smile (something I consider
a very good deed). I especially liked
your "Eve" poem.
I am bouncing back
from The Hauptman Situation, as I wrote about on my site.
I do not consider
him representative of the Democratic Party, and I hope you will not consider
him representative of gay people, either.
I know many (I am an honorary gay man, a title awarded to me by the gay
community in Austin, TX), and I can assure you that Mr. Hauptman is nothing
like the gay people I know and love.
Thanks again for
everything, and for caring about me enough to keep writing.
From: "Spartacus"
To: RBHauptman@aol.com
Cc: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
12:29 PM
Subject: www.coup2k.com
Dear Mr. Hauptman,
I have a question: Did you learn
your people skills from Karl Rove?
Tammy, the "Diva" of
www.coup2k.com, has worked for hours per day since the appointment of George W.
Bush on an outstanding website. Tammy has helped others like me to embrace
activism as a daily way of life, not as an occasional twinge of conscience. I
feel she and her website are invaluable to the Democratic fight to pick up
seats in the House and Senate during 2002's elections. Do you offer anywhere
near the activist opportunities that www.coup2k.com offers daily? If the
Democratic outrage and anger over the botched election remains untapped and
ignored, how do you think that those elections are going to go? Are you aware
that George W. Bush turned down funding yesterday for election reform? In other
words, we're looking at more of the same problems in a year.
Mr. Hauptman, did you think you
were being clever by pretending to misunderstand Tammy's meaning of the latest
"Bronx cheer for Bush" e-mails to whitehouse.gov, (implying instead
that they were spamming e-lists,) and by calling her an "asshole"? It
is difficult for me to imagine anyone thinking that style of non-communication
was acceptable being in any position of leadership, let alone the leadership of
my political party.
George W. Bush seems to believe
that everyone thinks his ridiculous policies are great. Don't you think it's
time to disabue that notion? What would you suggest to be more effective at
getting our point across that the 100 million in this country that didn't vote
Republican aren't happy? Democratic protests at Bush's events are being
virtually ignored by the mainstream press.
You owe Tammy an apology.
Publicly. Sooner than later.
Julie Spartacus
----- HIS REPLY -----
From: RBHauptman@aol.com
To: "Spartacus"
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
12:50 PM
Subject: Re: www.coup2k.com
you didn't see her obnoxious
messages to me, so how dare you ask me for an apology. she owes me one for posting a private
conversation publicly. shame on you.
GO -----
From: "Spartacus"
To: RBHauptman@aol.com
Cc: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
1:04 PM
Subject: Re: www.coup2k.com
Again, Mr. Hauptman, I want to
know: What are you doing to rally the Democratic base, instead of flinging
insults and feigning outrage? Do you often respond with this much firepower
when told that you are, perhaps, wrong? "Shame on you?" For God's sake.
When you are in a leadership
position of a political party and call someone an "asshole" on an
e-list, or even through private e-mail, you might want to rethink your
Tammy attempted to work the
problem out with you via e-mail. Your response to this was to block any
response she might make to your e-mail. She had no other choice, in my opinion,
than to answer you publicly. Frankly, I think you'd better mend fences.
Julie Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: "The Diva (Tammy)"
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
2:57 PM
Subject: Marriage Proposal
My New Goddess Friend:
Should you here that I want to
marry you, just deny it, because I won't. I'm only 76.
Thank you for slamming into Rick
Hauptman. You are my kind of Gal.
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
4:18 PM
Subject: The Hauptman Situation
Hi Diva!
Thanks for not throwing in the
towel. We need you. I, personally, admire and respect you more than I can
explain for rising to the challenges given us at this moment in history with
the grace and courage you display daily. I admire your articulate messages and
your good humor, and I stand in awe of your strength.
If you ever wonder if what you
are doing is worth it, the answer is YES. For me, at least, and for hundreds or
thousands like me I'm sure, the answer is YES.
You stand on the front line, and
I am deeply grateful, because I do not think I could do what you are doing and
survive; and someone has to do it. Many of us recognize your great sacrifices.
I know that I do not thank you enough.
But I read your page whenever I
am at home, and I use the information you provide to write to my Congressmen
and Congresswomen, and to keep up my spirits and my will to keep fighting.
You are a touchstone for
Thank you.
I have written to Rick Hauptman,
and am sending you a copy of that letter.
I have also made a couple of
animated GIFs of a
rotating orange ribbon. I was going to post them on my site this evening.
If you would like, I would be happy to send them on to you to post for anyone
who wants a graphic to use on their site.
Once again, thanks for the work
you do. Don't let the idiots get you down!
There are more of us than there are of them.
Robin Spartacus
Dear Mr. Hauptman,
I am sorely disappointed in your
treatment of The Diva, who has become one of my personal heroes, as well as a
hero for many others.
You may not wish to send a
single e-mail to the White House. You may think that 48 is overkill. That is
your choice. Many of us would rather fight the injustice that has been visited
on us in any legal way possible; including poking fun at those who would harm us. The message of those
e-mails may have been brief, but it was emphatic, as well. The readers hired by
the administration could not have missed the point.
I find your repeated messages to
her after you had blocked her responses childish and unworthy of anyone who
holds any position of authority in any party or organization.
No wonder the coup was
successful, with people like you at the helm of the Democratic Party. No wonder
it cannot pull itself together, with people like you trying to divide the
workers against themselves.
I would hope that the opposition
to the current administration was lead by dedicated adults. In this exchange, I
saw one deeply dedicated adult, unpaid and often unthanked, who has worked
tirelessly since the early days in November to keep thousands of us informed,
keep our spirits up, and keep our hope and our activism alive.
You are not that adult.
If, by your actions, you had
silenced her voice you would have done a grave injury to your party, and to the
dream of regaining an America that once again shines with freedom and justice
for all. An America in which every voice, and every vote, is heard and counted,
and in which all people are equal. If that is what you were trying to
accomplish, then I have nothing but contempt for you.
I would hope that my assessment
of you is incorrect, and that you would prove that you are, in fact, a grown-up
by apologizing publicly to the woman who is listed first on most resistance
sites (including mine.) If you do issue such an apology, then I will conclude
that you were having a bad day. That can happen to anyone.
If you do not, then I cannot
help but conclude that you consider yourself
somehow superior to those of us who work in grassroots organizations.
That you have separated yourself from
the people you profess to represent, and that, in fact, you speak for no one
but yourself.
Hoping to read a resolution on
the BBBR site (which I follow daily,)
I remain,
Robin Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
8:16 PM
Subject: PS to my message
I just read the Hauptmann bit of
bizarre -- and offer you my 100%.
You're awesome. He's some sort of creep.
Hugs and assurances to you, my
dear. You're the best.
As a female of feeling and sensitivity,
unprotected by pathological ego psychosis or rhinoceros-thick emotional hide, I
know the feeling in reaction to this sort of mean attack. So much of politics is gutter sewage -- but
if you never forget who you are and what you stand for, you will transcend the
swill, and ride it like a swan. We need
you Diva! Please!
With admiration and support,
Laurie Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
8:22 PM
Subject: Rick Hauptman
Dear Diva aka Tammy,
I read the email you had
received from Rick Hauptman.
Unfortunately, even the
Democratic party has its share of jerks.
He seems to be one of those hit-and-run cowardly sleazebags whose sole
purpose is to sting someone (with their delusional sense of superiority) rather
than have a civil dialogue in differences of opinion.
I have been enjoying your
website. I visit your site as well as
many other great sites at least once a day (I am afraid I am getting to be a
"Bash Bush Junkie"). Websites
like yours have helped me to keep my sanity.
Your site has a wonderful combination of activism and humor.
Keep up the great work you are
doing, you are helping many of us who need the resources and the encouragement
you provide.
Linda Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001
3:49 PM
Subject: Re: Democratic ideals
Hi Tammy,
I wrote a few emails back and
forth with RBHauptman today. At this
point I'm not so sure that he's as interested in building a Democratic presence
online as he is in his personal vendettas.
I tried to discuss with him how
your site as well as many others would be a good tool for the democratic party
to use to get its message out. How the
party would be better served by focussing the anger and outrage over the past
selection into a real movement online and offline.
Although he carries the title of
California Democratic Computer Caucus Chairman, from my discussion with him
today he's much more focused on attacking you than "growing the pie
There are too many fresh,
intelligent, passionate people in the Democratic party to have to be dealing
with people who are more interested in the title they got than the job they're
supposed to be doing.
I think this man needs to
seriously reconsider his part in the dem party.
~Margie Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: RBHauptman@aol.com
Cc: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001
9:34 AM
Subject: Democratic ideals
In regard to the coup2k email scuffle,
I hope you were just having a bad day.
Being the CA Dem Computer Caucus
Chairman, I wish to believe you would not denigrate a fellow Democrats' actions
on behalf of our party without good reason.
Coup2k.com is helping to bring
the passion back into the Democratic party and left of center voters. Our party has begun to stray away from its
base and towards the corporate end. We
need to remember where we came from and stay true to our party's ideals. We need to show the voters that there is a real
alternative to the Republican corporate controlled right-wing party. That there still is a party of and for the
people. We need more passion if we are
going to take back Congress in 2002.
Blocking discussions and
personal attacks will get us nowhere.
From: "Valerie
Spartacus" spartacus@home.com>
To: thediva@coup2k.com>
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001
5:43 PM
Subject: Who the real a**hole is
Maybe Mr Hauptman is the REAL
A**hole and it took one to know one.
I meant nothing personal on your
part, for I wonder what HE did about the Usurper in Thief.
A Canadian Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: "The Diva (Tammy)"
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001
6:25 AM
Subject: Re: Dem Party
Official's Statements: The Diva is an "asshole"
Don't pay any attention to what
that creep said. One thing I've noticed
since December--when I first joined the political lists--is that just because
someone is a Democrat, or seems to be on the same side politically as me, that
doesn't mean they're sane or rational. I
have run into some of the nuttiest people.
I don't think they're Freepers in disguise, either. I think they're just nutty. It looks like you stumbled on one yesterday. I taught Texas history to 7th graders for
fourteen years--give or take a year teaching something else. That meant I taught about 150 kids each
year. Whenever I'd have a run-in with a
parent that seemed a little "off," I'd think about the law of
averages. With that many kids,
assuming each has two parents, some with up to two more step-parents, I would
be fairly likely to encounter at least one "troubled" person during
the course of the year. If I only
encountered one then I was lucky.
Your site reaches so many
people, being an activist you reach out and connect to thousands of people--or
more. If this was the nuttiest fruitcake
you've met in awhile just chalk it up
to the fact that you're bound to encounter one like him once in awhile.
Please don't take his insults
seriously, though. I am being totally
truthful when I tell you how much I enjoy your site. I love your writing. I
just read your bio the other day, and I just loved it. You are a gifted writer. When you talked about all the events in your
life which would have made you a liberal if you hadn't already been one, I
could completely identify. I also loved
your exchange with Rose about being "black." That was just hysterical. I love your Clintoderm Patch. Mules in horse harness. (I was a Gone With the Wind nut as a
kid. I read the book three times in
middle school.) You take issues that
are so upsetting and demoralizing, and turn them inside out, making me laugh
about them.
Anyway, now I'm rambling. I'm just sorry he had any effect at all on
you, but I completely understand.
I live out at the 281/1604 area of San Antonio. I've lived in Texas all my life, except for
a year and a half after I met my husband and got married to him. I met him in May'94, and I moved up there in
Jan '95, so I was here part of the time you were here in San Antonio. I truly love Texas. I was born in East Texas in Crockett,
because Lovelady, where we lived, was too small for a hospital. I think you mentioned in your autobiography
that you went to A&M. That's not
too far away from Lovelady.
Don't feel like you have to
write me back. Just keep up the good
fight via your site whenever you feel like it again--hopefully today!!! I vote for it everyday (that I remember to
vote) on the top political sites poll. Your writing helps to cheer me up and
energize me.
Hopefully this makes sense,
since I haven't had my second cup of coffee yet. Take care!
Gina Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001
9:40 AM
Subject: I'm a Total Asshole
Hearty congrats on your
new-found status as an ASSHOLE!!!! It's great to be alive, isn't it?
I read your piece, and as I did,
my mind harkened back to my brief but oh-so-enjoyable email exchange with Jonah
Goldberg in which he allowed that I am a "total asshole". I'm so glad
to be among the ranks!!!!
I guess we both have to earn our
way to the coveted "major league" spot, but, hey, you've got to start
somewhere. I'll bet there are a bunch of BBBR Fighters out there who are
assholes, too, and don't even know it. Anybody who's emailed him should check
back in his replies. He's probably pretty cavalier handing out such
honors....there must be THOUSANDS of us!!!!!
Anne Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: "The Diva (Tammy)"
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001
7:00 AM
Subject: A little late, but
allow me to jump on the bandwagon of support
Dear Tammy,
When I read your page a couple
days ago about being called an a-hole by that f**face, I didn't realize that
you would be truly hurt by the commentary of one of America's Great
Anesthestized Masses. You are indeed a good
person, but you should develop thicker skin.
I, of course, support you and your fight wholeheartedly. You are terrific and are also beloved by
many, I have no doubt (and neither should you, judging by the terrific response
you got). I've said this before and
I'll keep saying it: Thanks for all
your efforts in creating the BBBR site and the others you help with. You are so damned necessary in our time of
tribulation and will be instrumental in turning the country back in 2002 and
2004 (I predict that we will have to come up with tamper-proof victories, which
won't be easy---after the Repugs' easy success at subverting democracy---I
myself still can't believe how atrophied and worthless the Corporate Media
was--Repugs will likely devise new and terrible strategies for vote theft, and
we will have to win by 3-5% just to win BARELY).
Here's a couple of my
philosophies that might help (if they don't, disregard 'em):
1) Now that our society has become fundamentally insane (I don't
just mean the Bush Selection, I mean that life now so closely resembles a
Simpsons' episode that the earlier episodes are almost mundane, surpassed by
reality long ago), it is a pleasure and an honor to be to be called
"nuts", "insane" or even an "a-hole", by the
denizens of such a society.
2) As you so aptly put it recently, we are canaries in a coal
mine. The only difference is, when the
canary squawks & chirps, the miners are forced to listen...their lives
depend on it. Historically, people have been resistant to the point of
murderous rage (sometimes) when forced to contemplate an unpleasant truth. By making people confront this unpleasant
truth that Democracy is wounded and disgraced, you make them mad. It is ignorance and ego speaking. Plus, as "canaries in a coal mine"
we are unique as humans in our abilities to pierce through bullshit, and see
the bigger picture. This also scares
the rest. I always say "thank
Koresh" (kudos to Bartcop) that we live
today and here, because in any other place in virtually any other time in human
history, people like us have been JAILED OR KILLED. Don't kid yourself if you don't think that is right where the
Bushista camp is trying to take us ultimately.
What I am trying to say is that
in the Kingdom of the Blind/Bushista Regime, the corporately anesthetized
majority who have been lulled into a fascist-approving sleep will hate and
revile and ridicule the one-eyed individual.
Pay it no mind and f*** 'em.
Fred Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: "The Diva of BBBR"
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001
6:43 PM
Subject: Your postings are all
I always enjoy reading your
postings. They are always well-written
and informative. Also you are a very
nice, dedicated person and we need more
individuals like you in the movement.
Just because Rick is in charge
of a couple of computer groups, doesn't mean he represents the party. I suspect that the national events have a
lot of people on edge and off center.
He may just be in overwhelm from things unrelated to your postings. Sometimes the volume of mail from all my
groups even gets too much for me when I'm really busy.
Take care and keep up the great
Ruth Spartacus
What exactly did Rick Hauptman say?
Have you contacted the California democratic party and filed a complaint? This
is outrageous. No good democrat could possibly attack your efforts. You hang in
there and keep up all of your good work!
I've been having trouble sending
you e-mails since the switch to the server. I don't know if it's because I have
webtv or what. I thought I should let you know. Also, I wasn't able to get
through to the action alert "Wish Al Happy Birthday". Can you fill me in on that too? How are you
coming with your product line? By the way, what ever happened to the Gore
penny? Also, the Miami Herald has finished counting all of the Florida
undervotes. BDO Seidman is tabulating the statewide results as I type this
e-mail. I think we're just days away from finally having our proof of victory
in writing. I can't wait! I don't think we can ask our rightful President to
speak out about the stolen election until we have the proof in writing. I feel
like I'm walking on eggs right now. Every time I log onto the Miami Herald, I
hold my breath.
Nancy Spartacus
Subj: Re: Rick Hauptman
Date: 03/22/2001
To: "Spartacus" spartacus@webtv.net
Dear Nancy
I've noticed that all
webtv people are not able to receive my ListBot messages, the occasional
columns and Action Alerts that I send out.
The posts just bounce back, so ListBot has dropped all of the webtv
subscibers from my list. I don't know
if there is anything I can do about that.
The e-mail you
sent this most recent e-mail to, divatex@aol.com, is my regular e-mail,
thediva@coup2k.com is my site e-mail. I
would be happy to hear from you on either one, but the site e-mail is the one I
check constantly.
"The Hauptman Situation" (as I now call it -- THS for short), you can
read the totality of our e-mail exchange at:
I should tell you that
I could not respond to his last four e-mails, because he blocked my address at
the same time he sent me the e-mail calling me a "total
a**hole." Basically, he wanted to
be able to insult and mock me without my having an opportunity to respond or
plead my case, which is exactly what he achieved. That is why I tool the issue to my allies in eGroups and through
my site. I didn't have any other
I haven't taken
any formal action. Instead, I just
"spread the word," as it were, about what happened, and I guess the
chips will fall where they may. I think
this person is bad for my Party, particularly considering his position as Chair
of the California Democratic Party Computer Caucus, which is supposed to encourage
internet activism.
That is just my
opinion, of course, but I have received information from others who are well
acquainted with him, and they all report the same thing -- that he constantly
does to others what he did to me on Tuesday.
I'm not sure that
I, being the person he attacked, am someone the California Democratic Party is
going to listen to. I mean, I obviously
now have a chip on my shoulder where Mr. Hauptman is concerned. I don't like him -- for obvious reasons.
I am trying to
have a sense of humor about the whole mess, and I even satirized it on my site,
but to tell you the truth, it hurts like hell.
I have been trying really hard to do the right thing, and to work hard
for what I believe in, so being told that I am not only ineffective, but that
my website sucks, is a real blow. Very
The Al Gore
Birthday Alert is at:
I checked, and it
is still an active site, so if you are unable to access it, the problem may be
that the security settings on your ISP or browser are so high that they are
blocking all personal pages such as GeoCities and TriPod. (If that is what is happening, make sure to
access my site on its pay server, at: http://coup2k.com)
Here is Al's
the Honorable
Albert Gore, Jr.
Office of the
Honorable Al Gore
PO Box 2346
Arlington, VA
(I recommend
addressing the card as follows:)
President Albert
Gore, Jr.
Office of the
Honorable Al Gore
PO Box 2346
Arlington, VA
The Action Alert
on this site recommends that you contribute to either:
the League of
Women Voters
or The Sierra Club
in Al's name, then
send him a card announcing your gift.
(You should also
CC the White House, for extra effect, I think.)
Also, wrote the
webmasters of the site, and report your gift.
They are keeping a running tally, I believe:
I never could come
up with a good visual idea for the Gore Coin.
How to symbolize what he means to those of us who value democracy? It's a tough thing to put into an image. Outrage and anger are easier, that's for
I have given up on
that. I don't have the time necessary
to get off of CafePress and go my own way.
I wish I did, but my site is my priority, and it leaves no time for
anything else in life. In fact, with
all the horrors coming out of the Bush administration, Congress, and the
Extreme Court, I am hardly able to keep up.
It's a nightmare that never ends, you know?
As far as the
media counts go, they are important to me, but I have real trust issues after
the media's handling of the coup. Not
only that, but these counts don't take into consideration (how could they?) all
of the poor, black, and minority voters disenfranchized by everything from
Database Technologies to disappearing voter registrations on the roles, to
closed and relocated polling places.
There was just so much fraud, that I think it is obvious Gore won, media
recount or not.
Of course, it
would be wonderful to have the recount show Gore won the votes that were cast, but
that doesn't address all the people who tried to vote for Gore, only to be
denied their rights.
Anyway, there you
have it. I guess that catches us
up. I hope to hear from you again soon,
and that you are able to work out your e-mail and surfing problems. We need you glitch-free for the fight!
Thanks or writing,
and for being so supportive of me during this whole Hauptman mess. It means the world to me, and I am more
grateful than you know.
-Tammy, "The
Diva" and WebMistress of BBBR and Holdings
Subj: Influence? Absolutely.
Date: 03/20/2001 6:00:12 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: "Spartacus"
spartacus@earthlink.net (Rose Rose)
To: RBHauptman@aol.com
I have just read your exchange with Tammy "The Diva" of
the Bush Brothers Banana Republic (www.coup2k.com), and I am, frankly, appalled
that someone in your position would resort to ugly language and immature
insults toward someone who is not only a loyal Democrat, but who has put her
heart and soul into fighting the Republican coup these past months.
Shame on you.
Rest assured, Mr. Hauptman, that The Diva most certainly has an
influence...and I'll wager that it is a greater influence on the public than
yours. She is held in the highest
esteem by those of us in the protest movement.
Like many of us, Tammy puts in long hours for absolutely no compensation
whatsoever. She is a true patriot, a
brilliant satirist and a tireless advocate of the truth. I have met her, and can state unequivocally
that she is one of the finest people I know.
I believe you owe her an apology.
Rose Spartacus
spartacusfolk.com founder/webmistress
Subj: Your Letter to Rick Hauptman
Date: 03/20/2001
To: "Spartacus"
Dear Rose:
Your letter made me
I have been sitting
here (pretty much all day -- his e-mails began early in the day, after I posted
the "Thphphphph!" alert to the YahooGroups I subscribe to),
completely depressed and feeling very alone and small.
Your letter makes me
feel so loved and appreciated! So proud
to be a fringefolk, and someone in your life -- even if through a computer
screen, mostly.
I just hope I have
always made it clear on my site that the Action Alerts I post are many and
varied, and people should pick and choose the ones that speak to their issues
and personalities. I never meant to be
imperious or bossy, or insensitive to the differing approaches taken by
And I never
entertained the thought that my personal activism or my website would be seen
as a negative in the liberal community.
That is the hardest thing to even consider, because I believe so
strongly in what I am doing.
Thanks for letting
me open my heart to you, and for being so supportive of me.
-Tammy, "The
Diva" and WebMistress of BBBR and Holdings
Subj: Re: Your Letter to Rick Hauptman
Date: 03/20/2001 8:42:29 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: "Spartacus" spartacus@earthlink.net (Rose Rose)
To: DivaTex@aol.com
Hi, sweetie. I was so mad over that ASSHOLE'S comments
that it took me a good fifteen minutes to write the email, because I kept
wanting to let off a string of obscenities, and of course that would have been
I heard back from the creep;
here's what he wrote:
"she sent me 3 obnoxious
messages. she's famous, she has you, so
why do you need me. You folks have too
much time on your hands. infantile,
puerile, absolutely needy for attention.
I am going to call the CA
Democratic Party tomorrow and issue a complaint. This guy STARTED the conflict, and then insulted you, and when I
wrote him a serious letter of complaint, he responded with insults. What a worm. The party needs to know that he's doing crap like this.
You are NOT imperious or bossy
or anything negative...you are working your butt off to fight the coup and you
ask nothing in return, and it makes me
sick that a so-called Democrat would be so insulting about your efforts. You
are EXTREMELY appreciated (in fact, I've been meaning to tell you that one of
the fringers wrote to me recently and suggested that you and I write a book,
because we're his favorite writers)...I can't begin to imagine how you find the
energy to do all that you do. So, don't
let one obnoxious, small-minded person bring you down. The only people who would view what you're
doing in a negative light are cowardly little centrist slimeballs who are
afraid to say Boo to anyone.
You're not alone...none of us
are. The silver lining for me in the
whole coup situation is that it has restored my faith in humanity, because I've
met so many wonderful and caring people.
Keep fighting,
Rose Spartacus
Subj: (no subject)
Date: 03/22/2001 4:37:41 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: "Spartacus" spartacus@aol.com
To: DivaTex
Dear Tammy,
Today, I have been catching up
with your site. I have been out of
circulation ... in the dumps ... in despair ... blue ... tired ... pissed... indignant...
coming back from the edge. The Grand
Resident One's presence in the White House has caused serious harm to my sense
of reality. I avoided political news
for a bit and tried to readjust. Now, I
am working on the actions that I need to take.
I am confused. I could not figure out why anyone would
attack you for any of the action alerts posted on your web site. I read the email posts with Rick Hauptman. I still don't understand it.
I checked out the Democratic
Computer Caucus site to look over R Hauptman's work and group affiliation.
First of all, I was not
impressed with their website. Second of
all, it reeks of a group whose organizing members' purpose is to be employed
first and political action second.
Third of all, there were no bylaws posted when I checked.
I am self-employed and struggle
as anyone who works in the area of community development or with non-profit
group organization. I work primarily
with Tribal groups and consistently run into the groups which are organized
more with a purposed of self-employment than mission of the stated cause.
I do not begrudge anyone who is
working as a consultant being paid a decent wage but I expect honesty in
reference that consultant's role in a non-profit group. I question anyone who starts a cause
oriented group who expects to be paid or whose goal is to be salaried by the
group. The sad thing is that these
types of groups suck off resources better spent on active, healthy
organizations which address issues.
I have come to believe that
political consultants are about a dime a dozen while the good ones are worth
their weight in gold. I would bet that
Rick Hauptman is one of the dime a dozen variety. I would also bet that this Democratic Computer Caucus is an
attempt to become something akin to Democrats.com and is not a part of the
California Democratic party.
On a more up note .... I called
my son and his mate last week and asked if they would be interested in
attending the Voters March in DC on May 19.
I explained that I hope to have a contract in place which will provide a
little traveling money by then. They
were quite excited. So, this will be my
Mother's Day gift to myself .... a trip and a protest. I am excited. I need to be excited about something.
I hope you are taking care of
yourself, indulging yourself when you can.
I know how I feel and I am more insulated that you are. I feel for you.
You do great work. You connect the dots in ways that are
beautifully simple. I have worked in
politics and community organization/development for years and I have a command
of the issues. You have the kind of
talent and insight that I wished I had.
I know you are going to irritate the little minds who recognize talent
but are too small to appreciate it. I
hope the Rick Hauptmans of the world do not enjoy any degree of your energy as
that is all they are .......... energy suckers (another name I came across
recently was "aura eaters", I like that name).
While I don't claim the degree
of talent you possess, I can be a part of welcoming you to the Asshole
League. So welcome dear sister, your
Fellowship of Assholes salute your membership.
In the meantime, do take care.
Pat Spartacus
Rapid City, SD
Subj: Keeping the faith (non-denominational)
Date: 03/21/2001 6:14:19 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: "Spartacus" spartacus@Home.com
To: Divatex@aol.com (Tammy Talpas)
Tammy -
I think that by now you know how
I feel about you and what you have done in creating the BBBR.
You are an American hero during
a time when the only other heroes are on lunch menus in school cafeterias.
You CANNOT let someone with an
ax the size of Mr. Hauptman's affect you in so deep a way. His points are
neither trenchant nor significant enough to cause you to doubt yourself and
your work for one nanosecond.
You have created a vibrant
political forum out of dust, air and despair and given political refuge to a
few hundred weary, angry souls. You, we need; Hauptman can go commit an act a
self pollution.
Love, as ever,
your sister,
Lynne Spartacus
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001
10:22 AM
Subject: We are the champions
Nobody picks on my diva and gets
away with it. Who is this California State Democratic Party Caucus Chair? I
found the Party web site list most all, but not the specific title Democratic Party
Caucus Chair. I would just like to drop him or her a friendly note in support
of you and your web site. ie "it's my sanity at risk here and if not for
you and Rose, I'd lose it all together".
I'd like to ask Barbara Boxer
for her opinion and the Black Caucus for that matter.
Don't let it get you down,
Peter Spartacus (Democratic
Executive Board Bucks County Pa.)
P.S. Know how you feel with
Aerosmith, I just got two front tickets to see Michael Flatley "feet of
flames" at the Core States Center here in Philly. Wow, expensive! but I
can't wait.
Dear Peter:
Congratulations on
scoring the Flatley tickets! I am a
huge fan of dance myself, but I rarely attend live performances because of the
cost. Still Flatley is worth ponying up
the big bucks, I've been told.
Rick Hauptman, the
man with whom I had that e-mail exchange "heard 'round the BBBR" (http://coup2k.com/hauptman.html),
is the Chair of the California Democratic Party Computer Caucus. I've been told he is quite important, and
that my best option would be to apologize to him, take responsibility for my
"bad attitude" and "inappropriate" behavior, and mend
I can't do
that. I won't do that.
I always apologize
when I screw the pooch, but this is one puppy I've never gone anywhere near,
and I am not going to pretend that I did.
I'd rather be persona
non grata, than a liar, which is exactly what I'd be if I apologized for
something for which I am not sorry.
(There, I vented a
little... I guess I'm not as "over" this whole thing as I thought I
You needn't write
Mr. Hauptman or anyone else. I
appreciate the offer, but there is no reason for you to alienate people,
too. I seem to have done enough of that
for all of us...
"The Diva"
From: "Spartacus"
To: RBHauptman@aol.com;
"The Diva (Tammy)" thediva@coup2k.com
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001
12:17 AM
Subject: In support of "the
Dear Sir,
I have read the tet a tet
between the two of you and feel that I
must respond in my limited way. In
short, I would rather read one paragraph from her heart than a page from your
I get the impression that you
are of the "get over it, lets move on, what's next" mind set; welcome
to the wonderful world of complacency. Well, I and thousands of Americans have
not gotten over it. There is anger and pain. Good people like "the diva"
and Ann Rose Thomas (majority fringe) with their wit and humor help save our
sanity. They write the words that we wish we could say, the words we feel, in
plain English, and I for one love them for it. If you doubt her sincerity, I
would ask you to read her reply to Helen, then ask yourself how would I have
responded or would I have responded to cry for help.
So, my fellow Democrat please
come down from your ivory tower of politically correct platforms and listen to
everyday people. It's nice to encourage people to share information, now would
you please include their feelings and their right to express those feelings
whether you like them or not. I believe it's the "Democratic" way.
Sincerely in Democratic
Peter Spartacus (Democratic
executive board Bucks County Pennsylvania, 25 years)
Union Carpenter retired
From: "Spartacus"
To: thediva@coup2k.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001
10:12 PM
Subject: Your response to
Isn't there some old Chinese
proverb warning about checking out the strength and knowledge of the person you
attack first? Maybe he doesn't speak Chinese.
Great response, the movement
doesn't need his type of mentality. He is probably a mole anyway.
Are you interested in working
with us (VoterMarchSF) in getting the May 19 West Coast march as big as
Jody Spartacus
Modesto, CA
PS: Great website!
Dear Jody:
Thanks for your
wonderful support during my time of troubles... Not a fun day, as you can imagine.
I am heavily
promoting the VoterMarch through my eGroup, as well as on my site, and was just
waiting for the finalizing of the West Coast plans. I am going to be going to DC, but I know most of the California
activists will most likely attend the March here on the Coast.
Are ya'll any closer
to nailing down all the logistics? I
have been posting the VoterMarch local contact info to my eGroup, and getting
people to begin looking into transportation and lodgings. We are down to the stretch now, and folks
are beginning to book their trips.
Anyway, let me know
if there is anything else I can do. I have
posted the VM banner on my site, and the link is also in my TOC on all 300 or
so pages, under Protests & Demonstrations.
"The Diva"
From: "Spartacus" spartacus@netzero.net
Date: Sat Mar 24, 2001 12:03pm
Subject: Re: [BBBR] T.H.S. Update: Conspiracy Theory Raised by Hauptman
oh baby, i have to say that
originally i was going to hold my tongue re: mr. hauptman, but now i have to
send him an email...
btw, tammy, one of your email
aliases is now spartacus@netzero.net
peace and solidarity,
carah spartacus
We are all in the gutter, but
of us are looking at the stars.
~Oscar Wilde~
previously unknown clinton
scandals UNEARTHED!
Dear Carah:
I slept for a couple
of hours this morning, and guess who I dreamt about?
Not Bush --
He's becoming the
bogeyman. How frickin' weird is that?
"The Diva"
To: "The
Diva of BBBR" <thediva@coup2k.com>
Sent: Saturday,
March 24, 2001 12:30 PM
Subject: Beth
wakes up to the crisis
Dear Tammy:
As previously
noted, I'm a little slow this week. So
it took me a couple days to process your commentary on Hauptman. Slowly it sunk in, and today I went,
"Wait. She was considering
quitting? Because of what that twit
Flat out: he's
wrong. Your site is good, your work is
important, and you are an asshole only in the revered Adam Clymer sense of the
I really like
the design of your site. One of my
brothers found it a little overwhelming to look at. But you know what? That's
completely a matter of opinion. I've
been to professionally designed sites that use huge amounts of memory for no
discernable reason, (like the American Airlines one does/did). I've been to professionally designed sites
where the buttons at the top go outside the margins of my browser, but don't
allow me to scroll right to see them; they'd assumed a larger monitor than my
old one. I've been to one person's site
where the gray wallpaper in the background makes loading slow even with an
ethernet connection. You've made none
of those glaring errors, and you've made the site yourself, format and
content. Right from the beginning of
surfing your site, before I knew you or joined BBBR, I remember being amazed
that you were one person doing all of it, so well.
Your detractor
also seems to be of the misconception that if you can't do everything, you
shouldn't bother doing anything. I'm
not willing to guess what the "big picture" impact of your site has
been, because I don't know what the traffic is, or how many people follow your
alerts. But I *do* know, because it is
mentioned all the time, that you have helped many individuals feel connected
and supported, as well as get in touch with their inner activist. A "real" movement, online and
offline, he wanted? What does he call
attending protests around the nation, writing letters, reading news, informing
friends, going to Washington?
If this isn't
real, what is? Is it only real if it
has centralized funding to pay for positions like his? Besides, even your stalker said you were
"famous." Why is that? Is it because you started out as a media
personality, or because you're rich?
Nope. You've built your
following on hard work and merit and insight, and even he acknowledges
that. I bet it drives him crazy.
In watching
that Women's Rights program, I remember being so impressed with Susan B.
Anthony, who was torn apart in editorials and pelted with food when she
spoke. I didn't think I could have done
it. I, too, am very sensitive to
insults, even with people I don't respect.
It may be a result of our lovely school experiences, who knows. I wish I had a thicker skin, because I feel
like I need it to do what I know to be right.
You may feel thin-skinned, but you're out there, and you're doing your
thing -- you've told us your name and your story, opened yourself up
personally. It's part of what makes
your site compelling, and it's a sign of courage. In martial arts, we learn that closing in, hunching over and
keeping your arms close may feel safer, but your energy shield collapses... you
learn to shield yourself while remaining open, so you can take in information
and use your spirit. My sensei has a
movement poem called "Full Open," about learning to be vulnerable as
an expression of strength. I think
you've already learned that lesson.
As for the thph... maybe it was a little
juvenile. So? We're being "governed" by a third-grader. Sometimes we need to protest in silly ways,
too. (Like the Bush Wipe toilet paper
at whatpresident.com, or sending
dog doo anonymously via the internet.) If he didn't want to do it, he didn't
have to. I remember this forward I've
gotten a couple times, about lessons learned in life. And one of my favorites is, "I've learned to say 'F*** 'em
if they can't take a joke' in five languages." Well, I haven't, and I'm not very good at doing it even in
English. Maybe we both need to
I know I'm
rambling, but... I just wanted to say, we do need you. But if you needed to, I would accept it if
you pulled back, or took a break. I
would be sad, but I also realize how much you've given, so it isn't fair for
any of us to guilt you into staying to open your veins more, just because
you've done so already. You are
important to us as the Diva, but you also deserve to take care of yourself as
Tammy. So, if you need to leave for
your own health, it's okay. But if
you're thinking of doing it because you believe what Hauptman said -- don't
believe him for a minute.
Beth Spartacus
(I mean, hugging
Subj: You're Fired.
Date: 03/24/2001 1:43:57 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: spartacusgal@yahoo.com (Tally Spartacus)
To: RBHauptman@aol.com
CC: divatex@aol.com
Mr. R.B.
You have one
week to PUBLICLY apologize to The Diva and the rest of the sane members of the
Democratic Party who either have not been sucked over to The Dark Side, or
become just plain lazy.
You do hold
"Public Office," do you not?
Lose sight that
'We The People' are your collective boss, at your own peril. If you are not directly elected to your
office, and cannot be voted out, we can fire your boss.
You really need
to wake up to what is happening, and stop listening to the Great Propaganda
Machine of the Corporate Media.
Tally Spartacus
aka - The SpartacusGal and
Registered Democrat
Dear SpartacusGal:
Man, oh, Man! You (I mean, me?) can be very forceful when
you are outraged. I guess that's why your rants kick a**!
(And I should know,
considering what an a**hole I am!)
"The Diva"
From: "Spartacus"
To: "The Diva (Tammy)"
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001
9:49 AM
Subject: In support of
Dear Tammy,
This guy
RBHauptman@aol.com is a waste of time, and if not for you, I wouldn't use my
best construction vocabulary on him. For the position he holds and the
education he has, you would think that he would not have to resort to petty
name-calling. Have you kept track of the numbers?
If this
occurred in my State I would send all this to the State Committee and ask the
Chair for a policy ruling. "file a grievance", or have a third party
do it for you. As important as he is, he has to answer to someone. I personally
think the guys a member of the wrong party or at least not the one I know.
Keep the faith,
Peter Spartacus
Spartacus" wrote:
Is there anything
that's missing? Are you sure you're a democrat? Are you what we use't to call
"a Ray-gun democrat"? Are you
old enough to remember J.F.K.? By the
way, I am really impressed with all your titles. I'm more of a grass-roots sort
of a guy, and maybe that's the difference between us.
Peter Spartacus
Vice-chair, 31st A.D:)
RBHauptman@aol.com wrote:
you never saw the obnoxious email messages she sent me. please go away. And stop feeding that moron's ego. "THPHPHPHPHPHPHPHPHPH!!!!"
Dear Peter (a.k.a.
"The Diva"):
I got another attack
e-mail from Hauptman last night, this time implying that all the mail he is
receiving on my behalf is coming, in fact, from me. I responded, and the mail
came back, so I posted my response on my site (again). I am still blocked, so this is the only way
to defend myself.
Check it out. I kid you not:
And don't miss
You are after all, ME,
and Spartacus, too!
"The Diva"
Dear Tammy:
I am flattered that he believes
that I am you, and flattered again by his now blocking of me. This is a first
for me and is a bit like having your name written on the out-house wall. Out of
curiosity, have you received any mail in support of him? In a war of words, my
money is on you. Have Rose take a shot
at him, she could put him right up there with that Southern Baptist site of Liberal haters.
Does this mean I get a "I'm
the Diva! No, I'm the Diva!"
Ah, is that the "I am
Spartacus" page? I bet it is. I'll send this and then read the page.
Pete Spartacus
Dear Pete:
Yours (I mean,
mine?) may just be the most telling exchange with Mr. Hauptman so far...
Allow me to
1. Every e-mail
communication Mr. Hauptman received from me has been posted on this site, at http://coup2k.com/hauptman.html. (Not counting, of
course, all of the e-mails on this page; which, in my fragile mental state
brought on by Post-Coup Stress Disorder, I apparently sent to myself, but am
unaware of...) I leave it to the BBBR
Resistance fighters to judge the level of my obnoxiousness. THEIR judgment I trust. HIS, I don't.
2. Every e-mail
communication I sent to Mr. Hauptman which came bouncing back, due to his
blocking me, has also been posted.
3. Mr. Hauptman is
very intuitive to have ascertained, through the very brief e-mails I sent him,
and which he actually permitted himself to receive, that I am a 'moron'. (A Moron has an IQ between 51
and 70.)
Generally, most diagnoses leading to that label come AFTER an IQ
test. However, in the interest of Party
unity, I will accept the label of 'moron', sans Revised Stanford-Binet
Intelligence Tests.
I am a loyal liberal
Democrat, after all.
To: <thediva@coup2k.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001
11:53 AM
Subject: Hauptman is an alias
for GW
Hi Diva,
I read most of the Hauptman
stuff on your site (the things I miss by skipping just one day!) and it is
clear to me that Hauptman is an alias for the Dumb one himself.
The incorrect spelling and
grammar, rudeness and the inane comments (Happy Pasover, misspelled and 2 weeks
before the correct time - what is that supposed to mean? - I don't even want to
think about that one) can only point to one person - that's right - His
Dumbness - the HIGHest Dumb One - DumOne - the one whose name I will not speak
nor write.
Peace and Resistance,
Spartacus in Connecticut
Dear Nita (a.k.a.
"The Diva"):
I have never been
one to go in much for the cloak-and-dagger stuff, but I think your theory has
I, too, have noticed
the spelling and vocabulary issues.
As an honorary Jew
(I was gifted with my first English-to-Yiddish/Yiddish-to-English Dictionary a
couple of years back a very great friend -- the law student I've mentioned
before, that escorted me to the Bush v. Gore conference at USC Law
School), I, too, noticed that his holiday wishes were quite premature.
There is of course
the Baker element ("F*** the Jews, they didn't vote for us anyway!")
to keep in mind when it comes to the
And there is also
the obvious desire of the Unspeakable One working to fracture the liberal
coalition whose votes so outnumbered those cast for him...
All in all, I would
say your assessment is brilliant.
Creepy, but
"The Diva"