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Pope Diva I
7/5/01 05:05 AM
FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Edit this post Reply to this message


By: AeroUSA
7/5/01 03:28 AM


Possible cause of all Aeromiracles found in the heavens!!!!!

A routine search of the sky conducted form the NASA space station, Houston TX, turned up an astonishing discovery at 11pm Central Time July 4th. There perched between the planets was a symbol, seemingly engraved into space itself. Many experts have identified the strange emblem as the official Aerosmith wings.

“Well, I shouldn’t be saying this…but the wings, they were there. I saw them first and alerted the higher powers. They said it was swamp gas or something but no, they were there. They may still be there,” commented C. U. Peeing a NASA worker who was promptly led away kicking and screaming by men dressed in black who curiously didn’t leave fingerprints.

NASA denies the existence of any such wings daunting the sky, or the ground. But many of their employees who have chosen to remain nameless back up Mr. Peeing’s statements. One even suggested that the wings had been there for many days, but the prominent fire works displays over the United States just illuminated their presence.

If they indeed had been there for quite some time, then could this be the origin of all the Aeromysticism happening around the world? Stay tuned for further updates…

^dream on :-)

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/5/01 05:18 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Edit this post Reply to this message



SCIENCE: Independence Day Festivities Provide Many Witnesses for Celestial Event:
Astronomers Failed to Forecast Bizarre Partial Lunar Eclipse

Story Filed: Thursday, July 05, 2001 5:00 AM Boston Time

LONG BEACH (Pope Diva I) -- A strange celestial phenomenon created a partial eclipse of the moon Wednesday Night, astonishing atronomers and many Americans attending Independence Day festivities.

An as-yet-unnamed extraplanetary object, being tracked by NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston since 11 PM local time yesterday evening, is now believed to have been the likely cause of a bizarre shadow on the face of the full moon. The phenomenon, which surprised many July 4th revelers, has been reported from various longitudes in every United States Time Zone, including now Hawaii.

An unknown process made the face of the moon appear "hot pink" just prior to and throughout the duration of the partial eclipse, astronomers said.

When the sun, unknown celestial object and full moon aligned -- shortly after Midnight Houston Time -- a shadow resembling the letter "A" moved across the portion of the lunar surface visible from earth.

In places with clear skies, the moon glowed a shocking hot pink. With a telescope or binoculars, hints of yellow, silver, and a shade of lavender were sometimes visible.

Lunar Surface Just Prior to Event
(As Seen from Long Beach, California)

This partial eclipse, unforeseen in astronomical forecasts, has created a stir in a fringe sect calling themselves The AeroCult. Adherents of this group, who believe that the members of Aerosmith (America's Greatest Rock and Roll Band) are gods, claim that this is another in a long series of recent paranormal events related to the musical act.

AeroCult devotees insist that the figure which appeared on the lunar surface was "The Aerosmith A," a symbol which they claim represents their deities.

Lunar Surface During The Event
(As Seen from Long Beach, California)

When questioned about the significance of this rash of paranormal phenomena reported around the globe, AeroCultists declined comment, though they did not explain the reason for their reticence.

One thing, however, is clear. The AeroCultists either do not know, or are not divulging, what the deeper meaning of these events is.

Please stay tuned, as this continues to be a developing story


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/5/01 05:21 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Reply to this message

the truth is out there....

> from an angel's eye ain't no place to hide <

Pope Diva I
7/5/01 05:22 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Edit this post Reply to this message

You'd better believe it, Baby!


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/5/01 05:33 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Reply to this message

Diva, you get better every time. How do you do it?? :)

Pope Diva I
7/5/01 05:34 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Edit this post Reply to this message

My hugs or my posts?

Never mind.

The answer is the same for both: Aerosmith (and all these luscious siggie pics) give me all the inspiration I need.


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/5/01 05:37 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Edit this post Reply to this message

And, let's not forget AeroUSA, who was on-the-ball enough to send in that excellent report regarding the breaking story out of NASA.



Well done, AeroUSA. I smell Pulitzer!

Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/5/01 05:38 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Reply to this message

Diva, gotta tell you I've become addicted to this board - I wake up and it's the first thing I do - Thanks for the Aero-laughs, keep em coming!

tylerslady, for you I'm BEYOND easy!

Pope Diva I
7/5/01 05:41 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Edit this post Reply to this message

Thank you, tylerslady, for your too-kind words... but I think we all know why we REALLY come to the AeroBoard.


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/5/01 07:12 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Edit this post Reply to this message


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

Pope Diva I
7/5/01 09:05 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Edit this post Reply to this message


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/5/01 09:29 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Reply to this message

OMG, that picture is awesome!! You are my idol!!!!

7/5/01 10:52 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Reply to this message

More inspiration for the Diva...

There's that red shirt again!

Pope Diva I
7/5/01 11:25 AM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Edit this post Reply to this message

Which pic, AeroGrl...

Could it be...



Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

7/5/01 3:05 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Reply to this message

another great story Diva :)
i give it 5 stars

^dream on :-)

7/5/01 7:26 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Reply to this message

Bump for the book - Diva, you know me so well - gotta get my morning, afternoon, evening, and nightly dose of AEROSMITH!!!!

tylerslady, for you I'm BEYOND easy!

7/5/01 7:28 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Reply to this message

This didn't bump!!! Let's try again!

tylerslady, for you I'm BEYOND easy!

Pope Diva I
7/13/01 11:37 PM
Re: FAN FIC: Signs and Wonders Go Extraplanetary Edit this post Reply to this message


Tammy, a.k.a. "Pope Diva I"
Pope-ette and High Priestess of
The Temple of Aerosmithicism

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